Dates: 1936 - 1972 (w/ gaps: 1936-1958, 1967-1972)
Location: Warren County Records Storage & Archives.
Format: Preprinted and typed abstracts of property and other public records.
Arranged: Subject -Town / Misc. / County Attorney
Volume: .5 cubic ft
Department: County Clerk
Legal Restrictions: None
Use Restrictions: Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
Historical Background:
As with the related "Searches-County," the County Clerk was called upon to examine all public records (deeds, mortgages, liens) involving property ownership for potential acquisitions due to the construction of or improvement to highways. Actual searches were conducted by or for the County Attorney and filed with the County Clerk. This process has subsequently been abandoned with the
expansion of the County Attorney's office.
Description of Record Series:
Preprinted and typed abstracts of property and other public records, including instrument type, party names, dates, book and page, search date; also includes letters of transmittal from Warren Co. Dept. of Highway to the County Clerk re: Right-Of-Way maps for filing in the office of County Clerk (includes Map #, Parcel #, Property Owner, map date, transmittal date, signature of engineer.) CO-2 215.
Purpose of Record:
A record of title searches conducted by or for the County Attorney, consists of preprinted and typed legal documents and property abstracts certifying the examination of public records as they relate to potential highway acquisitions.
Other Formats:
Finding Aids: Summary listing may be included with each folder arranged by town. Series location on inventory database, also Archival Guide and Highway Guide.
Related Series: Searches-County, Maps-Miscellaneous, Maps-Highway, Survey Papers. Attorney Files.