Warren County residents can learn how they can be ready for local weather hazards, and how Warren County has prepared for them, during an online public presentation on "Hazard Mitigation" scheduled for Tuesday, June 25th.
Staff from Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District and Warren County Office of Emergency Services will lead the discussion, which will educate participants about local weather hazards such as flooding, dam failures, earthquakes and more, and explain how Warren County's recently updated Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) identifies and prepares residents and municipalities for them.
Said Jim Lieberum, District Manager for Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District: "This is a good opportunity for our community to learn about the well-crafted Hazard Mitigation Plan update that was developed to address potential threats to our safety and property, while also learning how we can personally prepare for any weather-related hazards in our own neighborhoods.”
Said Ann Marie Mason, Warren County Director of Emergency Services: "The Hazard Mitigation Plan update goes into great detail, in each community in Warren County, and it is an important document for residents and property owners to review to learn how their municipality has prepared for disasters.”
The free public presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024, from 6:30 – 7:15 PM (via Zoom) and registration is required. Those who are interested can use this link to register. Registrants will be emailed a participation link on Monday, June 24th.
The HMP is a guidance document that assists with planning, grant applications, and funding for the county and the other municipalities. Warren County Office of Emergency Services and Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District worked with municipal officials, residents and other stakeholders from around the county in preparing the HMP update.
The plan allows the county and participating jurisdictions to continue to be eligible for grant-funded projects to reduce hazard vulnerability, and helps communities to recover more quickly from disasters.
For questions on the presentation or on Hazard Mitigation, contact Jim Lieberum at Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District at 518.623.3119 (jiml@warrenswcd.org), or Ann Marie Mason at Warren County Office of Emergency Services at (518) 761-6240 (masona@warrencountyny.gov).
To view the HMP, visit https://www.warrencountynewyorkhmp.com/.