Warren County Office of Emergency Services urges holiday fire safety
The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, but the holiday cooking and decorating that help make it special can also lead to a heightened risk of fires that can ruin the day, or worse.
The risk of house fires increases around the holidays, as families gather for meals, use candles for ambience and set up indoor Christmas trees.
Warren County Office of Emergency Services asks that Warren County residents follow some basic fire safety rules to ensure that their holiday is not marred by misfortune.
“The holidays are a time to enjoy family and friends. As you prepare your home for this holiday season, please follow the fire safety tips listed below,” said Ann Marie Mason, Warren County’s Director of Emergency Services.
Deep frying a turkey produces a delectable Thanksgiving or Christmas meal, but the frying process also leads to increased fire danger if not done properly.
If opting to deep fry a turkey, please use a fryer placed outdoors more than 10 feet from a home, on flat ground, and away from structures, wooden decks, covered patios.
It is important to use a thawed, dry turkey, monitor the oil temperature and have a fire extinguisher nearby.
Find more safety information here: www.fdnysmart.org/deep-fryer-fires/
Many residents will be bringing live Christmas trees into their homes in the coming weeks, and special care is needed to avoid them becoming a fire hazard. They are particularly dangerous if becoming too dry.
“Christmas trees burn fast and hot when they ignite, and can quickly cause a major fire in a home if not properly maintained,” Mason said. “When decorating your homes this holiday season, be fire smart. Please follow these guidelines regarding the care and decorating of your tree and other fire safety tips, to help ensure that you have a happy and safe holiday!”
Warren County OES recommends these basic Christmas tree safety tips:
• ALWAYS keep the tree stand secure and filled with water. Remember to check this often, especially if you have pets.
• NEEDLES on fresh trees should be green and hard to pull off branches.
• DO NOT place the tree close to a heat source, including a fireplace or heat vent.
• DO NOT put your live tree up too early or leave it up for too long.
• DO NOT dispose of branches or needles in a fireplace or woodstove.
• CHECK light strings to make sure none are frayed or damaged. Unplug them at night.
• MAKE SURE smoke detectors are in working order, with fresh batteries.
* DO NOT overload extension cords or power strips.
Additional New York Office of Fire Prevention & Control holiday safety tips can be found here: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/ofpc/news/holiday-safety.cfm