Warren County residents will be able to take their first look at the goals and objectives for the Warren County Comprehensive Plan at public events in Queensbury and Chester on Monday, November 18 and Thursday, November 21.
Warren County Department of Planning & Community Development will host two public meetings to receive public input on seven goals, objectives and action items that will form the basis for the Comprehensive Plan.
The goals, objectives and action items were put together after eight public Project Advisory Group meetings, a public online survey that garnered more than 900 responses and a January 2024 public workshop that drew over 100 people.
The Comprehensive Plan, dubbed Warren County 2040, will be a policy document that serves to outline the county’s priorities, identify top challenges and opportunities facing county government, and make recommendations for how Warren County can maintain its status as an attractive and thriving community over the next 20 years.
LaBella Associates has been working with Warren County Planning & Community Development to put together the plan, which will be presented to the Warren County Board of Supervisors for consideration.
All of the draft materials have been posted online for review and comment in preparation for a face to face dialogue between residents that is invaluable to the process.
Warren County Planner Ethan Gaddy said: “The comprehensive planning process is at a critical juncture. After over a year of extensive public engagement and analysis we need to check in with the public to make sure that the draft vision and long-range goals for Warren County reflect community priorities. If there are concerns, questions, or ideas that were overlooked this far in the planning process, this is an opportunity for the project team to meaningfully incorporate changes to the draft goals and objectives. Ultimately, this plan is for Warren County residents and taxpayers so we need to make sure that we’ve taken all perspectives into account as it is developed.”
The November 18 meeting in Queensbury will be held at SUNY Adirondack’s Northwest Bay Conference Center, 640 Bay Road, Queensbury, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The November 21 meeting in Chester will be held at Chester Town Hall, 6307 Route 9, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Complimentary pizza and beverages will be served at both events. No registration is required.
For more information on Warren County 2040, check the project website here.