Warren County's Employee of the Quarter for the fourth quarter is Denise Yannaci, Coordinator with Warren County Department of Workforce Development. She was honored at Friday's Board of Supervisors meeting.
Denise has been with the agency since March 2023, and was nominated by Workforce Development Director Liza Ochsendorf for her work ethic, creativity, organizational skills and more. Denise helps organize and coordinate monthly career workshops, organizes job fairs, spearheads office communications and much more.
"Her positive outlook boosts office morale and she always offers to help her colleagues despite her workload," Ochsendorf said.
(Denise, center, is pictured with Liza and Kevin Geraghty, Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors).
The Workforce Development staff wishes Happy Holidays to all! To learn more about how they can help your career outlook for 2025, log on to swwworkforce.org/.